Friday 15 August 2014

Friday 15 August Day 5

Today is Day 5 of WEIRDAnimals 
VBS at Gateway!

It's been a WEIRD week!

~We had fun and said good-bye~

~We learned GOD'S WORD~
"Don't be afraid...Take courage.  I am here."
Matthew 14:27

~We read a BIBLE STORY~
Ananias bravely helps Saul.
Click here to see today's handout.

~And we discovered that... 
Even when you're afraid...
Jesus loves you!

Check out today's Parent Newsletter here.

WOwhat a fast week. We had a  WONDERFUL, WEIRD
week of VBS with you.
Don't be a sure to come back.
And remember...Jesus loves you!

Thursday 14 August 2014

Thursday 14 August Day 4

Today is Day 4 of WEIRDAnimals 
VBS at Gateway!
Talk about a WEIRD day at VBS.

~We sang, played, and laughed~

~We learned GOD'S WORD~
"God...loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice
to dace away our sins." 1John 4:10

~We read a BIBLE STORY~
Jesus died to forgive our sins.
Click here to see today's handout.

~And we discovered that... 

Even though you do wrong...
Jesus loves you!

Check out today's Parent Newsletter here.

We can't believe that TOMORROW
is the last day of VBS.
Let's have the best day yet!

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Wednesday 13 August Day 3

Today is Day 3 of WEIRDAnimals 
VBS at Gateway!
Today was a wonderfully WEIRD day at VBS.

~We read, experimented, and danced~

~We learned GOD'S WORD~
"Do to others as you would
like them to do to you." Luke 6:31

~We read a BIBLE STORY~
Jesus washed his friends' feet.
Click here to see today's handout.

~And we discovered that... 

Even when you don't understand...
Jesus loves you!

Check out today's Parent Newsletter here.

We have more fun planned for
See you again soon.

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Tuesday 12 August Day 2

Welcome back to WEIRDAnimals 
VBS at Gateway!

Today was a fun and DIFFERENT 
kind of day at VBS.

~We played, sang, and learned~

~We learned GOD'S WORD~
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created
us anew in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:10

~We read a BIBLE STORY~
Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman.
Click here to see today's handout.

~And we discovered that... 

Even though you're different...
Jesus loves you.

Check out today's Parent Newsletter here.

We can't wait to see you again
What weird fun will we have next?

Monday 11 August 2014

Monday 11 August DAY 1

Welcome to WEIRD Animals VBS at Gateway
Today was a GREAT day at VBS.
~We made new FRIENDS~

~We learned GOD'S WORD~
"I am with you always, even
to the end of the age."
~Matthew 28:20

~We read a BIBLE STORY~
Jesus healed the lepers.
Click here to learn more.

~And we discovered that... 

Here's a link to today's parent newsletter 
for more facts about our fun day.

TOMORROW is going to 
be another exciting day.
See you again soon.

Monday 21 July 2014

LOOK OUT! Weird Animals are coming to Gateway...

We are getting ready for 
at Gateway City Church

August 11-15, 2014
8:30-11:30 each day.

Ages 6-12

and it's FREE

At Weird Animals, kids will learn about 
some of God's most creative creations through 
play, Bible stories, science, songs, and media! 

Click here to see what we'll be up to.

For more information, call 250.374.1050
or visit

Click here to register.